Arrogance vs Humility

Watching undercover boss on TV tonight I am amazed that a CEO of a company can be nervous about standing in front of a small room of people. Similarly, I remember undertaking a presentation course with a group of sales people where one of them was also scared of presenting I front of 5 people - maybe you are in the wrong gig..? In the wider business skill set I feel that I could take on most jobs or tasks with a reasonable chance of success. Is that healthy though? Is that arrogant? Is it better to be arrogant and think that you can give anything a go? Is there a fine line between arrogance and confidence? If someone asks you if you are arrogant you can't really win. If you say yes then you are, if you say no then that will more than likely reinforce the perception of the inquisitor that you are! Self doubt in my mind is more destructive, and on balance I'd rather take on more than I can chew than say no because I don't back myself and do nothing. That being said I think you can be arrogant internally to drive yourself further but you need to be humble in your dealings with others. Unless you are Gordon Ramsey...

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