You HAVE to be joking!

If you think for a second that you are not part of a post-industrial manufacturing complex that wants to squeeze every $ out of you surely this will convince you.

If the frozen food industry can convince a government that pizza sauce is a vegetable to protect their industry what the hell are the really nasty, globe destroying industries doing to keep them at max profit generation.

NZ Couriers - you are broken!

How can a service company make it so difficult to use them!!!

First of all they rely on finding the pick up location by a phone number. In it self not such a bad idea, unless you are on the road and don't have access to that information.

Second you can book a job on an account and you are given a reference number should you need to track it. However they can't actually track off that information - you have to ring your customer yourself for confirmation that it has been picked up.

Finally my client specified a location where all the couriers collect from. That's not good enough for NZ Couriers.

They want me to call my customer and get them to move the item from the location all other couriers pick up form to the one they would prefer.

Oh well at least now they have one less customer to be worried about!



I currently work for a California based company that has as a major part of its ethos a huge reliance on promotion of a certain corporate culture.

Well that is all well and good to a degree.

How much can you export a culture though internationally? Is that so healthy for non US employees?

For example we have to nominate someone in the company for any outstanding work that has been done. YOU HAVE TO VOTE. No exceptions. Even if you can't think of any reasons to nominate anyone.

Or even if someone who is generally not doing a great job does something out of the ordinary they can get an award.

Utter pointlessness.In the US I think that works. In NZ I don't think that works. You are just doing your job.

Arrogance vs Humility

Watching undercover boss on TV tonight I am amazed that a CEO of a company can be nervous about standing in front of a small room of people. Similarly, I remember undertaking a presentation course with a group of sales people where one of them was also scared of presenting I front of 5 people - maybe you are in the wrong gig..? In the wider business skill set I feel that I could take on most jobs or tasks with a reasonable chance of success. Is that healthy though? Is that arrogant? Is it better to be arrogant and think that you can give anything a go? Is there a fine line between arrogance and confidence? If someone asks you if you are arrogant you can't really win. If you say yes then you are, if you say no then that will more than likely reinforce the perception of the inquisitor that you are! Self doubt in my mind is more destructive, and on balance I'd rather take on more than I can chew than say no because I don't back myself and do nothing. That being said I think you can be arrogant internally to drive yourself further but you need to be humble in your dealings with others. Unless you are Gordon Ramsey...

Gordon Bennett.

I noticed Gordon Ramsey was on TV today.

Forthright, bolshy and arrogant?

Maybe, however, look at what he has and continues to achieve.

If we all channeled a bit of Gordon would the world function a bit better?

Imagine Gordon in charge of a large multinational or the country.

Not sure how Angela Merkel would appreciate being called "big boy" though...

Election time

What choice do we really have in the modern political landscape.

On the basis of how some of the EU countries have been run it does make you wonder what some of these political leaders are really in it for

Modern marketeer Seth Godin promotes the concept of tribes and standing out by being remarkable to build something that will inspire and amaze.

How far away are we from a remarkable political party with remarkable ideas that can inspire a population to work as a tribe to create one of the worlds best countries.

It shouldn't be so hard in a country of 4million and yet it seems so far away.


It just seems staggering that Phil Goff can't see whats coming round the corner.

You can't fault him for perseverance but at what point does that become flogging a dead horse?

Maybe he is being paid by National...

NZ tele viewing

Rant inbound -

It seems crazy that in 2011 we can't just have global access to all media available on the internet.

In NZ the layman is essentially bound to Sky TV for all content. Trying to source digital content online for viewing is next to impossible.

Why not free this up and let us enjoy what we want to watch, purchasing and downloading only what we want to see, not pumping out 100 channels of rubbish.

Having scanned some www's it appears that it is possible but you need some serious geekage to get it to work.

Second to that I guess is the lack of super fast internet in NZ.

Maybe if we had that we could more local digital content and help create more tech based careers and a thriving community of film makers selling content globally?