NZ's reputation among world's best?

"New Zealand has one of the top five reputations in the world, in the eyes of the globe's leading nations, new research shows.

The CountryRep study, produced annually by the Reputation Institute in conjunction with Australian research consultancy AMR, put New Zealand at fifth place overall for reputation, trailing behind Canada (1), Sweden (2), Australia (3), and Switzerland (4).

Freedman said New Zealand had a strong profile overseas and its reputation was consistent across multiple measurements.

"In order to continue this strong perception New Zealand would do well to focus on its social areas such as its commentary on world events, and involvement as a global citizen."
NZ Herald, Wednesday 28th September

However, is perception reality?

How much under the surface do we need to scratch under the 100% Pure image to accertain the truth?

Surely there are so many ways that NZ could improve to make that perception a much better reality.

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